Freshly roasted specialty coffee | 100% traceable | No intermediaries | Shipping with DHL SEK 60, free when buying over SEK 400   | 1-2 working days delivery time 

Freshly roasted specialty coffee

100% traceable

No intermediaries

1-2 working days delivery time

PNG Kuli Gap – medium roasted coffee beans

Origin: Kuli Gap, Papua New Guinea
Producer: Paul Pora
Cultivation altitude: 1,600-1,900 m
Varieties: Typica, Arusha, Bourbon
Process: Dehydrated

The Kuli Gap region is home to the highest coffee bushes in Papua New Guinea. Here, producer Paul Pora takes care of the finest coffee beans that the region can provide. PNG is always a popular origin in the fall, but what’s different this season is that Paul uses the dry method after harvest, unlike the previous coffee we bought from other producers which was always washed.

It’s also the first time we’ve come across a berry-dried coffee from here ourselves. Talk about a pleasant surprise!

The coffee is autumnally rich, both in aroma and taste. We sense slightly more Christmassy notes of nutmeg and cinnamon, sweet baked apple, creamy chocolate and dried fruit in the form of raisins and apricot. If you want to warm up with a rich and large coffee, we think you’ll like Kuli Gap.

Always freshly toasted. For this variety, it has been a maximum of 2 weeks from roasting until we ship to you!



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